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The History of Pharmaceuticals Toyama

Why did Toyama’s medicine become famous?

一般社団法人 全国配置薬協会ホームページより引用
Other Territory Business Selfishness
Hangontan merchant, Etchu Sell Medicine
Masatoshi Maeda issued the “Other Territory Business Selfishness,” which allowed people to leave their domain and do business anywhere in Japan. He also protected the independent business of pharmaceutical stores and drug dealers in the Toyama Castle area and encouraged the sale of medicines as a part of industrial promotion. This was a major opportunity for the outbreak of drug sales in Echu, and drug sales became a major business of the domain, and various rules of ethics for Hangontan merchants were presented. This business ethics is said to be one of the factors that have contributed to the development of Toyama’s drug peddling business to the present day. Under the support and control of the clan, the Etchu drug traders gradually expanded their sales channels while expanding their product lineup.

Basic Philosophy
Use first, profit later
“Use first, profit later” is the basic philosophy of Toyama drug selling, which has been passed down from the Genroku period of the Edo period, when the company was founded, to the present. For common people with little money accumulation, medicines could not be kept in the home, and they had to buy them from merchants every time they got sick. Against this background, the first-use, first-benefit system, in which medicines were deposited in advance to be used when needed and paid for at a later date, was revolutionary and suited the needs of the times.

World-class quality
High-quality products created by the environment
High-quality products made from the world-class water and clean air from the Tateyama Mountain Range.
This incident made Toyama’s drug peddling famous, as the feudal lords of various countries were surprised by this incident and begged Toyama’s drug peddlers to sell their products to them.